
In the Land of PHP where the Shadows lie.

One Brick to rule them all, One Brick to find them,

One Brick to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them

In the Land of PHP where the Shadows lie.

Heart of Archict, this library load and manage Bricks.



use Archict\Core\Core;
use Archict\Core\Event\EventDispatcher;

$core = Core::build();
// Load Services and Events

// Access to all Services
$manager    = $core->service_manager;
$dispatcher = $manager->get(EventDispatcher::class);
$dispatcher->dispatch(new MyEvent());

That's all!

Please note that if your package is also a Brick, it will scan only src and include directory for Services.

Supplied Services


With ServiceManager::get(class-string) you can retrieve any Service. But it's better if you use automatic Service injection in your own Service constructor.


With EventDispatcher::dispatch(mixed) you can dispatch an Event to all its listeners.


Implementation of PSR-16 cache system.